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Old 07-18-08, 12:22 AM   #1
Banned: Biting
Intangible's Avatar
Posts: 66

Come on man I thought JTR and Flight already did enough
What's LFS stand for any ways? L oosing F ucking S ucks
If you go by statics after this battle you'll be 0-3
Don't give me this bull shit that you got more votes than me
You claim that you better at text, who am I even dealing with?
Dude your rhymes remind me of safe sex, Im just not feeling shit
Mike Jackson look a like, who you think you fucking with?
Intangible nigga no?, you can't come and touch the kid
You's a skater my dude that hair and braces gotta go
I kno everyone must be thinkin, "Why is Rick James rhymin for?"
You a easy one I don't need Kirk? aparently
We can all see you loosing here (hair) my bars are 'Kemo Therapy'
You look like a bitch that needs to get a slap
When I looked at your picture
I thought it was an original photo of michael jackson when he was black
Vtl underestimated me and picked you in their favor
Imma prove to them Im a GIANT and you just another Patriot player
Man this guy is an asshole can't even beat his own dick
he can stick a knife in his asshole and couldn't kill shit
Sorry Lay but this battle was a mismatch its not rap bitch
It's fuckin pointless L's better off punchen a Cactis
or drinking gass and chewing on some matchsticks
I can sleep on this fag so I'll call this cat matris
Daryll pick a spot and I'll let your blood get spilled there
You'll be gangsta when you roll in a wheel chair
I get high but I still see shit clearer, if you wanted easy comp
you should of spit in the mirror.
Next December imma ask for a pistol for Christmas
Put LFS on my hitlist get him packaged and fedex the witness
Imma rap hitman taken out herbs is buisness
lay fear do us all a favor and next time get me some competition.
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