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Old 07-24-08, 07:35 AM   #15359
Peace, Love, Unity
Posts: 5,455

Originally Posted by King Solo
It is, you should check it out.

There is this cool ongoing game we play to, its like, they strap us all in these cool jackets that pretty much wrap your arms around yourself real tight... and then I guess the objective is to get out of the jacket. There must be some cool prize for doing it because it is extremely difficult, I don't think anybody has accomplished it yet.

We play a variation of that game where I stay. You have to escape the jacket, then when the men in white come to put it back on, you break one of their necks and shank the other in the femur, take their keys, then try to escape from the building as quickly as possible. It's good times.

88 miles per hour should do it.
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