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Old 07-28-08, 01:26 AM   #44
Peace, Love, Unity
Posts: 5,455

Originally Posted by .Poetic.
Idc man shits old and its pathetic how they bring old shit back to try and get me to look dumb. ya i had lots of stupidity back then. im much more mature now. and know whats dumb and childish and not looking for attention on a fucking rap board. if i want attention I can get it from a thing actually everyone here needs called a fucking LIFE. get one people its great theres this thing outside its blue with white puffy things in there called a sky. and a bright light thats hot called the sun. and things to talk to out there called people. rather then typing your fucking life away at a keyboard.

Yeah, son. You made a ton of friends at Camp Putdowndaforka.
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