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Old 07-28-08, 11:04 PM   #5
Jack The Ripper
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Posts: 11,759

Originally Posted by Mr. Lavish
Ah 2V there's a reason your a virgin.

Would you rather date a girl who dressed in baggy clothes or in nice tight jeans and a tastefull shirt? Same goes for the opposite sex. If you look like a dry cleaner accident of swapped clothing with Fat Albert rather than a nice pair of LRG's and a matching tee you might get passed up for the next dude. Plus you create unwanted cop attention. You wearin a sweatshirt in the summer they suspect you to have a gun. And all them baggy clothes what are you a poor hand me down case? That shit don't intimidate nobody but suburban white people. Why even rock clothing thats to big? Plan on having it when you get fat? And I do got room to talk my closet was 3XL which when your 6'3 isn't to to big but still looks dumb. Bitches love my new look proven fact I get laid.

I know mad girls who likes guys who wear baggy clothes as long as it's not too baggy and overdone
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