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Old 08-02-08, 03:34 PM   #57
Rather Unique
Posts: 1,066

Originally Posted by Kirk
You said hip hop belongs to african americans. Hence, you being a tool.

Edit: I didn't read your post at first, I just went back and read it.

Way to contradict yourself. Say you don't wear a type of clothing because it misrepresents you, but then saying you don't need any type of clothing to tell you who you are. But anyway...

If you think that dressing "black," is considered wearing clothing too big for you, then enjoy living life with that outlook. No fucking clothing type belongs to a race, you idiot. And no type of clothing can represent who you are as a person. You're a salesman... okay. Why let that control what you wear out of work?

If someone is a overall nice person, wether they wear cheap clothes, top of the line clothes, clothes too big for them, clothes to small for them, hip hop brands, band shirts, they are still a nice person. So who cares what kind of clothes anyone wears? Goddamn, you're a tool.

And lol at you comparing being black to being a salesman. Lmao.

1. I didn't compare being black to being a salesman, at all.
2.For Us BY US, what do you think that means? honestly? what does that mean?
3.WHO Do you think the hip hop style of clothing was meant for? honestly, honestly now? CAN YOU BE REAL WITH ME? I'm tired of people being like,"oh it's all individualism and it's all about what they like" Cool you like that, awesome wear it, I don't care what you wear, but myself personally don't like that clothing and think it misrepresents who I am. I am not trying to say that if they are wearing that it makes them look bad, I just know for me myself personally, I Don't like it. And it's funny to me, because most of the people making an argument against this are the same people that were sitting in the picture lounge talking shit about anyone wearing a t-shirt to big for them, i.e. Myself.
4.It's my opinion not yours, so please, if you have a problem with what I say then, well, oh well. It's my thoughts not yours, and I would be more of a tool to agree with your thinking.

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