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Old 08-02-08, 04:18 PM   #58
Peace, Love, Unity
Posts: 5,455

Originally Posted by The Business Man
1. I didn't compare being black to being a salesman, at all.
2.For Us BY US, what do you think that means? honestly? what does that mean?
3.WHO Do you think the hip hop style of clothing was meant for? honestly, honestly now? CAN YOU BE REAL WITH ME? I'm tired of people being like,"oh it's all individualism and it's all about what they like" Cool you like that, awesome wear it, I don't care what you wear, but myself personally don't like that clothing and think it misrepresents who I am. I am not trying to say that if they are wearing that it makes them look bad, I just know for me myself personally, I Don't like it. And it's funny to me, because most of the people making an argument against this are the same people that were sitting in the picture lounge talking shit about anyone wearing a t-shirt to big for them, i.e. Myself.
4.It's my opinion not yours, so please, if you have a problem with what I say then, well, oh well. It's my thoughts not yours, and I would be more of a tool to agree with your thinking.

Lmao. You sound so dumb and half the shit you said isn't even argueing with anything that I even said. But I'll attempt to make you sound more stupid.

1) "I just realized i'm not black, and wearing those clothes misrepresents who and what I am. I am a fucking salesman." You just said how you realized you weren't black, but instead you were a salesman. How does a race and a job fall into the same category?

2) Lmao. Firstly, none of the owners of that company have EVER said that that's what Fubu stands for. It's a fucking urban legend, man. Secondly, even if it did, that's one out of hundreds and hundreds of urban clothing companies. For you to make a generalization like that, that every company thinks that they make clothing for black people, makes you an idiot. Thirdly, even if EVERY single urban clothing company thinks they're making it for black people doesn't mean that noone fucking else is allowed to wear it. It just means they're as close minded as you are. Anyone can wear anything that they want.

3) You decide not to wear that style of clothing because it misrepresents you. A FUCKING CLOTHING STYLE DOES NOT REPRESENT YOU! What you do, how you treat people... THAT REPRESENTS WHO YOU ARE! You're so fucking retarded. If you don't like it, don't fucking wear it, but it doesn't define who you are. Your whole fucking logic is flawed, man. You're talking like everyone is supposed to wear what the stereotype says they're supposed to wear. Goddamn, man.

4) Shut the fuck up, you're dumb.

88 miles per hour should do it.
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