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Old 08-02-08, 05:51 PM   #59
Rather Unique
Posts: 1,066

Originally Posted by Kirk
Lmao. You sound so dumb and half the shit you said isn't even argueing with anything that I even said. But I'll attempt to make you sound more stupid.

1) "I just realized i'm not black, and wearing those clothes misrepresents who and what I am. I am a fucking salesman." You just said how you realized you weren't black, but instead you were a salesman. How does a race and a job fall into the same category?

2) Lmao. Firstly, none of the owners of that company have EVER said that that's what Fubu stands for. It's a fucking urban legend, man. Secondly, even if it did, that's one out of hundreds and hundreds of urban clothing companies. For you to make a generalization like that, that every company thinks that they make clothing for black people, makes you an idiot. Thirdly, even if EVERY single urban clothing company thinks they're making it for black people doesn't mean that noone fucking else is allowed to wear it. It just means they're as close minded as you are. Anyone can wear anything that they want.

3) You decide not to wear that style of clothing because it misrepresents you. A FUCKING CLOTHING STYLE DOES NOT REPRESENT YOU! What you do, how you treat people... THAT REPRESENTS WHO YOU ARE! You're so fucking retarded. If you don't like it, don't fucking wear it, but it doesn't define who you are. Your whole fucking logic is flawed, man. You're talking like everyone is supposed to wear what the stereotype says they're supposed to wear. Goddamn, man.

4) Shut the fuck up, you're dumb.

1.)I wasn't comparing being a salesman to being black AT ALL. Dude you're sucha fucking retard. I am talking about ME not everyone. I realized I AM NOT BLACK, I AM A SALESMAN, I don't wear BAGGY CLOTHING, keyword is "I" do you get that? Did you also read where I said, "I" don't care what the fuck "you" wear? Obviously you don't realize, 99.9% of people get there first impression of you by what you wear and how you bring yourself through your image, and if you don't think image plays apart of how people are then you obviously don't know what you're talking about. And I HIGHLY doubt you were the dude going up to the fat chick at the party just to say hi, I guarantee you made fun of them before you even talked to them. So before you even start to talk about how all this "it's about how nice they are and it's who they are" type of shit, you should realize you do the same thing your fucking self.

2.)Again, do you honestly think the creators of the company thought to themselves,"I bet you a lot of white/asian/mexican/etc. kids are going to be wearing this over african americans?" You know just as well as me that it's "URBAN" clothing, keyword there is urban, "URBAN:Related to the (or any) city; Characteristic of city life." So you're telling me that on the block corner or the hood, you see all these white/mexican/asian etc, people wearing that shit? Honestly who do you see hustling and all that jazz? HONESTLY? When it's talking about urban clothing, typically it's talking about hood clothing, so that there would identify people who were from the hood, it's not a stereotype it's fucking fact, and if you don't take stereotypes into account at all then well you yourself are stupid, because I highly doubt you would want someone who represents themselves like that to be extremely nice, because frankly most of the people i've been that are from the urban environment typically haven't wanted to invite me in for a cup of coffee.

3.)Again, it goes back to the, I don't give a shit what you wear, I give a shit about what "I" wear. I guess you really don't get that point, and I doubt that "you" will. And it goes back to how I explained it in number 3, most of the people i've been that are from the urban environment typically haven't wanted to invite me in for a cup of coffee. I've lived in belltown/international distric in Seattle and I know exactly how people are that are in the urban environment, and NONE of them are white(relating to the main subject), and again goes back to the Wear what you wear I DON'T care, I JUST don't prefer that brand or type of clothing. That's where I rest my case.

4.)you my friend, are not only unintelligent, but ignorant .

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