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Old 08-05-08, 09:36 AM   #12
Posts: 3,123
From: Sindicate City, U.S.A.

to anyone that gives a shit:

i just read a thread in my crew forum about my boy 'big vish' leaving the team. as "gay" as it might sound to some of you, dude has been there to help anchor the squad when i haven't been able to be around. i've always had complete faith in him, his outlook and his overall assistance in regards to the balancing of power within the fam along side me ever since he was appointed that coveted position. this surprise has caught me way off guard to say the least, word. i really need to gather my thoughts before i make any official moves on behalf of the family.

before i heard about this...i was totally game for a crew battle, i just needed to rally my active troops. i think that it would have been a dope scenario, regardless if 'you battlecats' really feel that we aren't up to your par in any fashion. to each his own. this site has always been about elevation...and having fun while doing it. win, lose or draw...that's what we're all here for. instead of bickering and stroking our ego's off, we all should have looked at this as an honor to go head to head with each other and showcase our current skill level(s). the thrill of a battle brings "that rush". you get it when your pushing your own personal limits and the payoff is when you succeed at doing such...that is what we all love. that selfish little high. even in loss, a lot is gained. anyone who has ever legitimately won or lost knows this.

level opposition??? a great idea for any competitive soul. a crew banishment battle??? a really retarded notion. why??? for the simple fact that this site has a lack of respected writers anyway. it would only hurt this site that much more forcing a handful of dope heads (regardless if its us or y'all) into non-existence. word. that is a big lose lose for everyone in our immediate vicinity. as the founder/co-leader of crhyme sin, it would be totally ludicrous for me to allow my crews solidified spot on top of the established crews forum to be jeopardized for any reason whatsoever. i will not allow my ego to bring upon a possible downfall for a 4+ year dynasty that is even bigger than i imagined it becoming. i am not that selfish...or ignorant. i think and make decisions on behalf of the best interests of my family, that is my job. as long as i can help it, i will not betray their trust, EVER. i owe my crhymies that. beyond a pat on the back and maybe some extra respect, there is nothing for us to really gain in the long run. my word as an emcee, even if we were to dominate the crew battle, i wouldn't want to see any of you gone...regardless if i like you or despise your guts. church. with that being said, i hope that y'all can understand where i am coming from at this particular moment.

give me a little bit of time to take care of my empires now cracked foundation before i put any extra weight on our temporarily delicate structure. i have nothing but total faith in ALL of my crhymies, it's just a matter of weathering this storm and seeing who will rise from the chaos with me to fight for our glory. this is a dark time for us, please respect my wishes.


supervillain, big bad crhyme sindicate '08
Originally Posted by Nick Fletcher.
I don't drive an Eclipse, they're chickmobiles.

QUESTION: Is it even possible to improve upon perfection???

"I remember this one time I thought I was wrong........but I was mistaken." -Unknown

R.I.P. Jonathan "ONE MAN BAND/TERUMOTO" Nigro. Goodbye brother. God bless the dead. One love.
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