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Old 08-05-08, 01:03 PM   #1
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015

Originally Posted by TitoBronsky
WOW... its amazing how the first thing this fool could think about upon his return to the site was Q... Home boi's been on your mind that much??? Can we say Hades is trying to come out the closet and admit his man love for Qsiff??? The only thing gay on this board is the lames who cant stop obsessing about Q.


Uh, no, I say Q. being a complete asshole on Terumoto's RIP thread saying that OMB killing himself was just a publicity stunt. Why are you sticking up for him, all he ever does is tell the teenagers on this site to suck his dick, act completely contradictory to his christian beliefs while backing up his actions with completely retarded excuses. Then when he gets mad he screams at us and says he's going to leave. I'm just wondering WHY THE FUCK HE IS STILL HERE.

I find it hard to believe you only have 5,000 posts on here...what do you do, delete it every time you get to 10,000?
Originally Posted by Tha .Q
It's actually quite simple...

These people have NOTHING, NOTHING to be proud of, or celebrate in their own lives...So, they resolve to be crab ass haters with nothing else to do than ATTEMPT to shoot someone else down...That's the BITCHASSNESS in them...

They're scared...weak ass punks who're miserable with their own existence...And, doing this is their only sense of "power"

They can easily come in a thread and say "Even though we don't rap, good luck with your goals and future." <--Nah, that smells TOO MUCH like right...

So, they do the opposite because it's a place of comfort for them...I actually feel sorry for them...

Can you imagine them having a job, and acting like that...or, being in the REAL WORLD and acting like that...

It's unequivocal...they don't leave the house and have NO LIVES.

They practice making "clever" comments on a RAP site to look "intelligent" while operating under the guise of "truth"...

it's a bunch of bullshit...

And, I hope they figure it out now before they end up dead with NOTHING to account for, like so many people end up doing...



The extent of your life seems to be posting on this site, writing songs that ten of your friends listen to, and playing golf. I'm sure you're doing really good with your life. You act like you're a saint. All you do is fucking hate on everyone else, then wonder why they hate on you when you act like such a fucking asshole. At least we have an excuse, a lot of us are twenty years old or less; but you think that you would have some semblance of a life besides coming on here and hating on every kid you see, then claiming that everyone is on your dick just because they point out how much of an asshole you are.

You're... thirty. Homosexual. Play golf. Have a job at a university. Rap on the side. That seems to be your entire life, summed up in fourteen words.

Log off this site for once. That post you just made describes you exactly. You know if you weren't being hypocritical you would stop hating on every single person around here and just stick to rapping. But for some reason you feel drawn to this forum specifically.
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