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Old 08-06-08, 03:52 PM   #1
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015

Too bad this conversation has to do with how much of a pathetic asshole you are, not how good you are at audio (I would except so after like, what, five years?). I couldn't care how good you are at rapping. Yes, you are a good rapper. Yes, most likely you would beat me at audio. I would crush you at topical. Both of us have talents, writing and singing-wise, that lay in other areas. But you're still a bitch. The end.

Things you have accomplished by thirty:

- You have a job.
- You rap on websites.
- Sometimes you get laid by men. Maybe?
- Tito likes your music.
- You're good at golf.

Things I have accomplished by sixteen:

- I have a job. (not as good as you're since you've graduated college, but still a job)
- I write poetry and topicals on websites.
- Sometimes I get laid by girls.
- Many people like my writing.
- I'm good at powerbuilding and bodybuilding.

So what is it, exactly, that you have accomplished in your thirty years of life that I have not done the equal of in my sixteen? What makes you think anyone will remember you when you're gone, as a special person?
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