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Old 08-25-08, 03:34 PM   #15
BigTony.Self's Avatar
Posts: 2,482

Originally Posted by The Business Man
that looks like a ribbon mic, I really wouldn't prefer that for deeper vocals, good for highs bad for lows. ribbon's are what mariah carey uses. but word it is a nice mic though.

I mean, a usb mic will die on you, and you'll have to replace the whole mic, if you get a mic and the cord dies you can go replace the cord and vice versa, so it is more cost effective and it sounds better.

How important is the project going to be? If it's not important just go with the usb, but if you're serious invest.

BTW I'm in college for audio production, so yeah.

ahaha son i use this mic all day long and to be honest my voice never sounded more sexy that and the fact that i spit in a white plastered flat wall room no booth no nothing this mic in a booth would be trememdous remember now looks can be decieving

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