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Old 08-30-08, 08:34 AM   #68
Peace, Love, Unity
Posts: 5,455

Originally Posted by Ebircs
lol, like i care what 4-5 geek ass text battlers [that don't even know what text battling is] think about me...get tha fuk outa here man....i seen most ya'll pics...1st off.....and 2nd off ya'll r jokes w out the pics....
When was the last time you text battled, faggot? Battle me or stop talking.

i wasent dick and carson dont even get along...never have...but point was dude was right...and when ur right ur IM dickryding for agreeing w the person 10 other ppl in the thread disagree with??? yeahhh that makes sense...
Yes, that's what were saying. Stfu or battle me, pussy. Since you know so much.

fuck outa here, i'd beast any of ya'll at anything worth doing......
See above.

no arguing back n forth bullshit, im not replying again....but u and everyone vs audio or basicly @ life itself...i'd ruin ya'll
Too bad I don't do audio. See above. Quit talking shit like you know text when what you know is audio. You know oh so much about text, then battle me. Someone with your greatness should have no problem schooling me.

i can post up pics w me w over 7 g's in my hand

me fuckin/gettin head from several diffo chicks...

me w a brick of dope....

me w my ps3...x box 360 and hd flat screen

me rippin my sterling st55 mic....

and basicaly me being better at anything then ya'll w time cards and wtf ever else to prove it's me takin the pic....
Too bad life isn't about getting std's. What the fuck does any of this have to do with text battling? You are a true loser, to bring up all this shit saying "YO NIGGA, I BE LIKE, SHREDDIN' DEM HOES WIT DUH PYTHON WHILE I WATCH DON'T BE A MENACE ON MY BIG A55 TV!" We're talkin' about text battling, you fuckin' loser.

basicaly....ya'll r gimps man, and wouldnt know a real cat if he bitch smacked u after givin ur mom a facial.....
Lmao, shut the fuck up, herb.

eat a dick

[if u wana call me on any of the above....and ur down to prove ur better then it/....if not..don't bother...and STFU]

kthxbye =]

How about I prove to you, I am better at the fucking main arguement of this thread? I.E., text battling. Lmfao. You're a real lame cunt, you know that? You're fuckin' stoked up about a video game system and std's. Real cool, guy.

88 miles per hour should do it.
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