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Old 08-31-08, 10:49 PM   #1
Pushin it....
Cola's Avatar
Posts: 7,966
From: Round tha way

Vision is correct on the way the system, SHOULD BE working....and TeamOne is stating the facts of what it is that big business is doing

but other than stating the obvious, that big business should be employing American's...because small business obviously drives an econmy (n i state that because i belivie strongly in what Vision has already stated) one has really adressed the point

How can you get them back in the states employin Americans?

N heres a question?

Do you belivie the fuel crisis is actually a blessing in disguise? Truthfully, when you think about what it has done to the econmoic status of America, in what...only a few years? Its like Uncle Sam got dropped kicked in the balls. But, lets just say hypotetically that we find new engery sources, it will also open new jobs...just like when people said that computers would outsource jobs, jobs were also created to fix the cmoputers and build computer systems....

to sum up what i just said, i'd just use a quote from batman 'the night is always darkest before dawn'
Originally Posted by Lysol
But Eminem is the best.

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