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Old 09-02-08, 03:28 PM   #32
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO

Originally Posted by Mannie Fresh
it makes no sense to vote for McCain, im sorry... his first choice of judgment and he picks the most inexperienced woman in the world... she governs in the most corrupt state in the country, she is under investigation for corruption (which she will probably get a pass on even though it IS corrupt), she has no foreign policy experience, no national experience whether it be with legistlation, economy, Nothing... she was a governor for under 2 years, with half of that time being pregnant... not to say that that would fully impede her ability to govern, but its almost a lack of judgment to get pregnant when you're suppose to be running a state, cuz there comes a point where u can hardly walk....
and to top it all off her 17 year old daughter is 5 months pregnant, and many speculate its longer than that, which would mean she was pregnant at 16... obviously her mom didnt Want her having sex, didnt want it to be Unprotected if she did (unless shes that much of a religous kook), and didnt want her having kids this young... how can u be expected to help Lead and run a country when u cant keep your children in check... Oh good old Republican Family Values

she was chosen for 2 reasons, which makes mccain a total sell out: she's young, and she's a woman

too bad her inexperience makes her a poor choice to take over the country if, u know, 73 year old McCain dies... u know the McCain who has/had cancer, and refuses to release his medical file and physicals to the public..
and too bad shes basically against every issue most women agree with: she's pro-life, pro-guns, pro-war, basically pro Everything women are Anti... jesus, im more of a feminist than she is....

and yes, i only ranted on Palin, but McCain can have a few words too: he's a hot head and a grumpy old man.... there are countless times during congress and meetings where he's Exploded when people dont agree with him... doesnt sound like the kind of diplomat i want...

oh and, its great he was a POW and he survived, makes him a hero... too bad he told the people who took him captive Everything... honestly, everyone says ohhh he's an American hero, should be well respected... no hes not, its a sad situtation that he was captured for all that time but when you give them more than ur name and rank u are no longer a Hero.... that doesnt sound like the type of soldier i want, doesnt sound like the type of Commander-in-Chief I want....

Okay, so Palin sucks and McCain is old.

You're right, I too choose my votes on who's vice president I like more. Fuck who's policies I agree with.

If you want to play that game you should also remember that Biden cheated in law school and got kicked out. All of that came out when he ran for president a long ass time ago. So, while Palin is being investigated for being dishonest, it's already been proven that Biden is dishonest.

Luckily, I don't really give two shits about the VP's, so I'm not transferring Biden's downfalls to Obama. I just don't agree with Obama's policies (you know, the guy who's actually running and not the VP), so I'm not voting for him.
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