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Old 09-02-08, 03:44 PM   #34
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO

Originally Posted by In-Vision
the guys who generate all the capital...generate it by taking their companies over-seas and getting people to work for less then americans would. Yeah, they bring in capital. But,'s not good for the country. People need jobs in order to continue to put money back into the's all one big cycle...and a lot of the bigger companies...are skipping an essential part of the cycle. We can have a ton of a capitol..but if people arn't working..the value of our dollar goes way doesn't matter if they are generating capital..or not.

All of the capital isn't being brought in from people working overseas. Some is, but not all -- not even most. I agree people need jobs and while unemployment has risen slightly, the natural unemployment rate should be about 5%, and in a couple of months that's where I expect it to go back to. There are plenty of jobs right now, and the unemployment rate isn't high relative to where it has been in the past (25% during The Great Depression, etc.).

I'm not really even talking about the big CEO's and shit, the people ranking in the top 1-2% of the population when it comes to income. I'm talking about your middle to upper-middle class people, mostly. There's way more of them then there are extremely rich people. I can't vote for somebody who, in a capitalistic economy, is going to tax the shit out of people when they start businesses, create jobs, and generate capital, so that it can be transferred down to the low income people (the people who aren't creating jobs and generating capital).

Taxes as a whole are a socialist concept, but drastically raising them is socialist and it's bullshit. Obama may win this election because there's a lot more bottom feeders in this country then are providers, but if the taxes do get raised by a lot you're going to see the people generating capital leaving or jumping through every loophole possible to avoid paying as much taxes as they're supposed to.

I know you know what you're talking about, so I'm hoping you can at least understand why I'm not down to ride with Obama's tax policies. I didn't make this thread to beef with anybody, I just wanted to see if I was the only person here planning to vote for McCain. Right now it's looking like I'm standing alone, so oh well hahaha.
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