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Old 09-02-08, 05:36 PM   #39
C.hristopher S.ean D.abatos
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From: Bay Area

Originally Posted by Pinky
some valid points. but....really, why would Obama tax higher on people who are gerneating revune? if anything he'll tax the corpartions more, not the small end business's. N by taking money and giving it back to the 'bottom feeders' more money will be spend on things, pushing the value of the dollar back up. hopefully lowering costs of things.

i see your points, and i was for Mccain in 2000. So i'm not a Mccain hater, but after he went full blown Republican, he sure did loose his way

yeah, hes going to tax the big buisness companies.. and going to tax less on the starting companies.. was stated on the dem convention.

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