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Old 09-03-08, 10:24 AM   #52
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO

Originally Posted by Pinky
bro...who taught you econmics? Its common sense that if you give people money, most people spend it.

By givin money to lower income families, its goin to put more money back into smaller business's...and smaller business is what the economy needs.

Look @ the stimulas package....i'm not sayin that it did really anything spectaular, but it did help, regardless of what anyone says.

N what are you talkin bout? how is a higher dollar not goin to push prices down? Thats why prices are up, is because our dollar is so in the fuckin tank.

So please do explain....

--1 more thing, we have no middle class ne until they figure out a way to make a middle class again...America will continue to be fucked.

There's no difference between giving bottom feeders unearned money and letting the people who earn the money spend it. What the fuck is the difference? I know that people spend money. I'd rather see people who earn the money spend it then fucking bottom feeders. What kind of retarded point is that? "People spend money, dude!!" Yeah, the argument isn't whether people spend money or not, it's who's going to be spending the money -- people who earn it or people who don't.

Your point that prices should be down is moot and insignificant. Okay, so somehow the value of the dollar goes up (which will NOT happen as a result of taxing the people who generate the capital and giving it to low income people), and then prices go slightly down. Who the fuck cares? The prices will still be the same relatively, in that your $100 will still be able buy EXACTLY what you can buy with $100 now. What problems does that solve?

The actual prices themselves are determined by the market, which is determined by supply and demand. If you want gas to be $1 a gallon adjusting the value of the dollar won't do shit because it'd still be the exact same relative to how much money we have now, and what the value of the dollar is now.

We're not in a recession. Our economy isn't even bad right now. Taxing the people who generate capital won't make any difference at all in adjusting the value of the dollar, so your entire point is incorrect and shows a complete lack of knowledge of macroeconomics. The value of the dollar is determined, like everything else, by supply and demand, but capitalistic economies need inflation, so the supply keeps going up (which is a good thing). Giving money to low income families doesn't do anything with regards to the value of the dollar.

Sorry to rain on your parade.
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