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Old 09-03-08, 01:06 PM   #56
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO

Originally Posted by Mannie Fresh

okay Mimesis, if thats even your real name, you suppose that we try trickle down economics one more time? cuz, u know, thats worked SO well in the past, and thats basically your suggestion.... and why exactly do u expect unemployment to swing back to 5%, (and btw, someone who thinks unemployment, as you said, Should be anywhere but 0% has some serious problems) you think that it will just fix itself? that it will just go away? what great logic you have there, i must commend you

the reason the Palin pick makes McCain a bad pick for President is the simple fact that, ding ding ding, it reflects his Judgment... when he does a Huge bellyflop for his first Major decision, how can u expect him to make good ones after that? They had one actual conversation with her the day Before she gets chosen, and they say she was properly vetted? I dont know if its worse that she was taken with such haste, or the fact that they actually think she Wasnt taken with haste, either way it reflects really poorly...

and thank you for, u know, not actually responding to anything i said...

the woman wants to teach No Evolution, and only teach abstinence
... now i understand if she doesnt Believe in evolution, and in using contraception, but it should be taught to Everyone, even if it is suggested by teachers which they prefer...
oh yea, ms abstinence has a pregnant 17 year old unmarried daughter... but Oh no, thats not an issue..... the thing i hate is when i talk about her daughter, or anyone, we arent bashing the Daughter.... we are bashing Palin for not even being able to convince her own daughter of her beliefs and legislation....

btw, your Campaign Manager has been quoted saying that this election "is not about the issues" but its about the composite image of the candidates and who are perceived as better leaders.... thats one great thing to say, he doesnt think it gives a flying fuck what the people want as long as they can ride the "McCain is a Maverick War Hero Train" all the way to the White House..... i almost loved as much as being called a "Nation of Whiners" by the McCain camp.... really lovely

Now, you think McCain will change the country? that he will steer us in the right direction? He couldnt get passed Bush in 2000, and then after that agreed with the President 90% of the time while he was in office... so basically the country wouldve been in the Same condition had he gotten elected 8 years ago instead of Bush.... McCain has been in Congress over 20 years, and as much as he thinks he's a Maverick, and thinks he is a Washington outsider, he's not.... he's too old, too stubborn, too grumpy, and hot-headed, and been part of Washington way too long to achieve the change that we honestly Do need.

as Obama said very accurately... its not as if McCain doesnt care, its that he doesnt Get it, he doesnt Know.

Are you the biggest fucking idiot that ever walked the earth? No, my real name isn't Mimesis, what the fuck hahaha? My real name is Austin, but you can address me as sir.

You have ZERO knowledge of macroeconomics, and anybody who has the most elementary, fucking worthless foundation of knowledge EVER will say you're an idiot. Unemployment will NEVER be at 0%. I say it will go back to 5% because that's the natural rate of unemployment. Do you even fucking know what unemployment is, or who's considered unemployed? That was a rhetorical question because if you did you'd understand why it can never reach 0%. I know it will correct itself because I understand macroeconomics, something you obviously don't know shit about.

I'm not going to address the rest of your post or any future posts from you until you start talking about shit that's actually relevant and makes sense. NOBODY is saying that unemployment will just keep rising until it fucking reaches 100% or whatever your trying to suggest in your worthless and idiotic attempt at explaining a basic macroeconomic principle.

McCain is old and Palin is conservative. What a fucking shocker. I stopped reading your post after the first paragraph then skimmed over the rest on my way down to pressing the Quick Reply button. Your arguments aren't worth the 5 minutes it takes me to read and reply to this shit, so just please stop posting. You're a fucking retard. Get out of my thread. Oh, and learn how to type too.
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