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Old 09-03-08, 07:57 PM   #89
Pushin it....
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Posts: 7,966
From: Round tha way

[QUOTE=Mannie Fresh]i see your point on taxes, and it is a very good point if u fully trust ur candidate... but with any presidential candidate, i never fully Believe them when they say "no new taxes".... especially since McCain has said "no new taxes" than later backed away wen asked about if he would raise social security taxes (basically saying that there is no option he has dismissed for it), than said he wouldnt fully commit to the tax question but that he feels there is no situation where he would accept a tax increase, and now hes finally back to his Promise of no new taxes as the convention rolls around....

im not saying he's lying but Tax increase/decrease talk from candidates is usually one of the most unreliable platforms to follow, specifically when they vow to not increase taxes or to even give tax cuts... it just never lives up to the full potential and promise even if they try to say it does... there are too many situations that may arise that will almost cause them to shift.... or they might just be telling the american people wat they want to hear in the first place

and dude, Pinky, im not saying it was his fault that we went into Iraq, im not even Just referring to the initial entry into Iraq... im talking about Everything... im simply stating the fact that he agreed with every issue or legislation the president wanted passed over 90% of the time once Bush took office.... which would imply that he wouldve put the country into a very similar hole if he had been president himself for those 8 years....

and no everyone didnt agree on an attack ON Iraq, maybe on attacking someone, but not specifically Iraq.... i remember being, i think, 11 years old when september 11th happening, and i wanted to attack the people who did it, too.... and from watching the news updates then i figured the Iraqis were Those people.... not until i was 13 did i wise up to the fact that Bin Laden was Not from Iraq, but was an Afghan terrorist..... it wasnt a push back.. it was like a domino, "afghanistan" hits us, we hit iraq.... wheres the logic in that...[/QUOTE]

lol....bro. We went to Afghanstan...and almost a year later, than we decided to invade Iraq

our 'push back' was us goin to Afghanstan....we were naive about the situation and told lies to go to war with Iraq.

It obviously worked like a domino effect, for the people who wanted to go to war in Iraq, Karl Rove and Cheney

i think people put alot of blame on Bush, and over look Cheney...that dudes one evil mother fucker.
Originally Posted by Lysol
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