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Old 09-04-08, 11:12 PM   #109
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO

Originally Posted by Sunday Blay
dude, i read through the thread... and believe me, i have heard EVERY single one of your arguments before.

by the way, chill the fuck out with the personal shots... talking big and bad on an internet forum makes you look retarded as hell.

now, first of all - this generic claim that obama's policies are "close to bordering socialism" is played as hell. do you have any fucking clue what socialism is? bush's tax cuts benefited only the extremely wealthy in this country, and mccain has stated that he plans to make those same "tax cuts" that bush established permanent. the idea that instead giving tax cuts to those who need it, benefiting the lower and middle class, is somehow "socialist" is straight up republican propaganda that you have been brainwashed into believing. are you serious?!? humane? yes.
socialist? HELL no.

and i'd like to address this response of yours to CALI's post:

the statement CALI made was not a stretch whatsoever. the fact is, our generation WILL be paying out of our asses for bush's unnecessary and illegal invasion of a sovereign nation... yet republicans want to preach against raising any kind of taxes when they're being raised to actually help those in need in this country (who are, of course NOT republicans). the republican party is the most pompous, elitist group of people... blahhhhh q;liajioajdls;kfjakl;djfadfoiajweohf[ioaudfljansdflkasjdf

lol, it just blows my mind sometimes that people can actually consciously stand behind the conservative ideals of the republican party.

I almost made it through your first real paragraph before it became obvious to me that you either haven't read any of my posts or you're too stupid to comprehend them. I've stated time and time again in this thread that I'm not talking about the "rich," and am actually talking about the middle class. If you haven't managed to pick that up yet then there's no way in hell I'm going to explain this all over again for you.

Oh, and Bush's "tax cuts for the rich" is actually a bunch of political bullshit, as the figures actually suggest something completely different. I said earlier in this thread (you would have fucking saw it if you would have read this thread) that'd I'd gladly post up the figures as taken from the Bureau of Economic Analysis if anybody still wanted to say Bush is only helping the rich. I'm not a fan of Bush, but to say that he's only helping the rich is inaccurate.

And yes, the redistribution of wealth in a nation IS socialist, period. Raising taxes to outrageous levels IS socialist. Taxes are a socialist concept by themselves, but we need them, and that's why I've never argued to abolish them. However, when you start taxing the shit out of middle class people to give to the lower class people it is socialism. That's not propaganda, are you fucking stupid? Explain to me how that is not the redistribution of wealth and I will gladly say it is not socialist.

I'm not going to sit here and retype everything I've already said in the last 7 pages, so if you don't read my posts and don't say something that other people haven't already said and I haven't already addressed, I'm going to stop paying attention to your posts. You've disagreed with me over political shit for years, and nothing ever gets accomplished.
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