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Old 09-06-08, 01:25 PM   #115
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO

Originally Posted by Sunday Blay
don't get your pathetic little conservative panties in a bunch, kid.

Obama plans on cutting the taxes for those below the $250,000 range and raising it for those above... i've heard so many conservatives make the same argument you did, that Obama is somehow going to be taxing the shit out of the middle class. look, if $250,000+ is the middle class then i'm not worried about the middle class, lol. i'm more concerned about the people making less than $10,000 a year, and about re-establishing the middle class that your president destroyed.

and what i'm DEFINITELY not concerned about is terminology. the difference between socialism and a liberal economic policy is the degree in which money is redistributed. a liberal economic plan like obama's concerned with helping people, and money is not going to be re-distributed NEARLY to the level where people are going to start becoming un-motivated to work hard, etc. (another argument i've heard ignorant ass conservatives like yourself make).

You're more worried about people making less than $10,000 a year and I'm more worried about keeping a capitalistic economy intact. Now we've reached a point where the debate ends because there's nothing you can say to me and there's nothing I can say to you that is going to change either of our values or beliefs.

And you should be worried about terminology if you're going to start saying Obama's tax policies aren't socialist. They are. The degree that money is redistributed, and the meaning/purpose/plan behind it, doesn't change the fact that it is socialism. At the core it's still the redistribution of wealth.

And once again, we're reaching a point where the debate is going to end because now we're predicting the future. In my opinion, if you start taxing the people who make 250k a year, they will be less motivated to do the things that they're doing. In your opinion they won't be. The difference between our two opinions is that history backs mine up, and not yours.

Calling me ignorant is stupid and inaccurate. I'm ignorant about some things, much like everybody else, as ignorant is just defined as the lack of knowledge of something, but the economy isn't one of those things. May I ask what makes you think I'm ignorant? In fact, what makes you think you're not ignorant? You stated repeatedly in this thread that McCain will only help the top 1% of this population, which implies ignorance to me. You stated that taxing the shit out of people making 250k a year isn't socialism, which also implies ignorance to me. So, what brings you to the conclusion that you're not ignorant? What was your major in college? What was your GPA? What learning or knowledge do you have that makes you not ignorant, despite the ignorant posts you've made in this thread?
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