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Old 09-16-08, 04:20 PM   #9
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO

Okay, I'll address those moot points for you right now. I'm not a big fan of Palin, and she may be an idiot when it comes to some things. Luckily, I'm voting McCain for president, and not her. She may be inexperienced, but so is Obama. She's being investigated for firing somebody, but nothing has been proven, and the investigation isn't complete (if you remember correctly I also mentioned how Biden has already been exposed as a cheater, and that has already been proven). She may be too conservative, but I like the tax policies that the Republicans bring to the table. McCain's not too old, I think Democrats are making his age out to be some huge issue when I don't believe it really is. I don't know if he has a horrible temperament, but even if he does that doesn't mean he's incapable of making rational decisions.

Happy now?

I don't dance around anything. I made the fucking thread, "Who else is voting for McCain?." People asked why I was voting for McCain and I told them. It's not my fault that half of this site is too stupid to understand what I'm talking about. I tried to explain it, but then people started quoting my shit talking about something that I never fucking said. THAT'S why I ignore that part of their post. I have no reason to respond to somebody who's arguing a point that I never said anything about. I don't read posts from people who say shit that has no relevance to ANYTHING I was talking about. I was talking about the economy, and you come in my thread like, "Well Palin is a bad VP!!," and you really think that merits a well thought out response on my part? If you want to talk about how shitty you think Palin is then have a fucking field day, but don't expect me to come in there defending her for the fuck of it.

Obama will turn the economy more socialist then it is now. That is true. That is not debatable. This country has some socialist factors now, but for the most part I think it's necessary (i.e. the government controls the public school system, owns post offices and railroads, etc. etc.). I don't support nor think it's necessary to raise taxes to 50% on the people who generate all the capital in this country. That would be more socialist then it is now, as you're taking more wealth from people and redistributing it to lower income people. Get the fuck out of here with, ". . .as if that's even true," like I'm saying something inaccurate here. If you redistribute MORE of the wealth tomorrow then you do today, then the economy will be MORE socialist tomorrow then it is today. That is a fact. You trying to debate with me about whether that's true or not is absolutely pathetic.
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