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Old 09-18-08, 02:04 PM   #6
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO

Originally Posted by Sunday Blay
you are stupid as hell... so you will only believe something if the NEWS, of all sources, tells it to you straight up? please tell me how somebody making observations and forming their own opinion using common sense makes them a "conspiracy nut job." what the hell makes the government/news source the default one to trust? think for yourself homey. if you ask me conservatives are the biggest "conspiracists" alive.

Hahahaha, is this site built from people who can't read for shit? I never said I believed everything the news said. What the fuck are you talking about?

According to you:

Observation: there are problems with voting.
Common sense: the Republican Party caused it.

HOW THE FUCK does that make any sense? Get the fuck out of here with that garbage. I never said the news or the government was the default one to trust. All I said was that article never said the Republican Party is at fault for the voting problems.

Jesus Christ, you're about as bad as Pinky.
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