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Old 09-18-08, 04:41 PM   #7
Blay'all's Avatar
Posts: 8,581
From: North Carolina

Originally Posted by Mimesis
Hahahaha, is this site built from people who can't read for shit? I never said I believed everything the news said. What the fuck are you talking about?

According to you:

Observation: there are problems with voting.
Common sense: the Republican Party caused it.

HOW THE FUCK does that make any sense? Get the fuck out of here with that garbage. I never said the news or the government was the default one to trust. All I said was that article never said the Republican Party is at fault for the voting problems.

Jesus Christ, you're about as bad as Pinky.

ummmmm, are you SERIOUS? okay, so a republican candidate happens to come out on top by a slim margin in an election in which thousands of votes in the blackest county in Florida don't get counted... oh yeah, and the brother of said Republican candidate just happens to be governor of that state.

and you are saying that if somebody uses their brain and comes to the conclusion that something fishy miiiiiight have happened there they are a "conspiracist"??

and seriously, PLEASE stop using the argument that nobody else on this forum can read... such a typical conservative argument. we can read what you're saying, its just stupid as fuck. get a real argument and maybe people will "comprehend" with what you're saying to your satisfaction.
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