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Old 09-18-08, 10:21 PM   #1
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO
Well, there's about to be a rush of inflation.


Prepare yourself.

Despite the fact that today was the best day in the stock market since October 2002, as over 10 billion shares of stock were traded today, there's still going to be a lot inflation in the near future.

The government is trying to maneuver around it, but there's no plan to stabilize the value of assets. Of course, if they do somehow pull of the hail mary people will call them heroes, but that's not looking very likely.

Here's why the printing presses are about to be turned on, and why we're going to need them to be turned on. You have 3 choices:

1. The value of assets can decrease.
2. The value of assets will stay relatively the same, but the cost of living will be higher.
3. The value of assets will be stable.

Obviously we would all choose #3, but right now that's not happening. The government is working to make that happen, but I doubt they'll succeed and the market agrees with me. The reason the price for an ounce of gold has gone up $100 in the last 2 days is people are expecting inflation.

Back to the choices. Now that we're probably not going to achieve 3 in the very near future, we have to choose between 1 and 2. You can choose deflation or inflation. If we choose deflation, we will go into a depression. If businesses are losing money when they're producing goods and services, they will stop producing goods and services. We can't have deflation, so 1 isn't an option. 2 is the default choice, and for that reason, the market is anticipating inflation in the near future.

If there is inflation, which is looking extremely likely, there will be dumbfucks who don't understand anything blaming the government and crying about it, but it is necessary. You will be able to cry about the price of food (or anything else), but at least you'll be able to buy food. At least you'll have a job to pay for food. If we take #1 on my list, we will go back to at least 25% unemployment and you will be fucked.

The government is going to try and do everything possible to avoid going into a depression, and that's going to lead them to flood the market with money. That flood will lead to inflation. We need that flood of money.

I can't wait to read the threads on here from people who don't understand shit, criticizing and ridiculing it. You guys will probably hop in here pretending like I don't know what I'm talking about and swing it around to McCain, when this has nothing to do with him, and I will respond once or twice then ignore the rest of your posts like I've done in every other thread. I can't wait!
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