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Old 09-18-08, 11:31 PM   #7
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO

Originally Posted by S U N D A Y
^ alright, i understand what you're saying there... and honestly, i feel like the reason for that is becuase of the sense of intense competition that this election season has bred. its like as soon as somebody says anything political whatsoever you (not you specifically) automatically group them in with the supporters of the candidate that you love/hate and want to immediately have a debate with them and throw all the complex arguments at them that you developed in the shower when nobody was there to debate against you lol.

See, I can respect that. I just made a thread a week ago asking, "Who else here is voting for McCain?" without ever intending to argue with anybody. People came in and asked why I was voting for McCain and I said the main issue (note - not the only issue, just the one most important to me) was taxes and the economy, and I explained my point to people like In-Vision and Logic. They took what I said, and regardless of whether they agreed with me or not, just let it be what it is - my opinion. I never insulted or said anything degrading or anything like that to them, it was just a discussion.

But then, people started coming in my thread asking about shit that I didn't really care about, and started getting mad when I said I didn't really care about it. Like, "Who do you think will be the better foreign diplomat?" I said something like, "Don't know, I haven't looked enough into it," and then these dudes start saying shit like, "Oh, you're just voting for McCain for one reason!" I could have lied and said I knew about foreign policy and shit, but I didn't because I thought people would respect that more, but I guess not.

And shit like that just kept happening. I'd talk about the economy and they'd quote my post saying, "But Palin is a bad VP!" You can't tell me that that's good reading comprehension. Don't quote my post like you're responding to what I said, and then say something that has nothing to do with what I said. That shit annoyed the hell outta me, so I started changing the tone I was using when I was talking to some of these dudes.

I guess that's just the way it seemed to play out from my point of view. I've said time and time again that I don't have anything against the prospect of voting for Obama. If you have different values or beliefs then I do, then vote for him. It's fine. But don't ask me why I'm voting for McCain then call me out like I'm an idiot for valuing something different then you do. That's where I've been coming from.

I think you're right though. There is a lot of competition right now, but I never meant to start an argument here by making my thread. I just thought there may be 1 or 2 more people here who would vote for McCain, but I was wrong.
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