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Old 09-19-08, 07:55 PM   #10
Pushin it....
Cola's Avatar
Posts: 7,966
From: Round tha way

SO you wouldn't agree that its bull shit that the goverment basically just bailed out major companies, beacuse the a free market system fucked themselves?

your the big guy who is all about capatlism.....

well mother fucker, this whole thing isn't a free market ne more.

Who gives a fuck if some insurance company goes belly up...i sure as fuck dont. Maybe they shouldn't be such dipshits....maybe they shouldn't have been so fuckign top heavy...and they may have been able to do something about it

Dont belivie me? Look @ the auto makers....they are taking huge cuts, but not one of them is getting bought out by the fuckign goverment...

i know all the comparsions to the depression...adn that if nothign were to have happened, we were going to be dead...blah blah blah...

who's to say? we just bought ourselfs 2 more iraq wars. yay!
Originally Posted by Lysol
But Eminem is the best.

Destroyin Tricks on the Daily

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