Thread: Star Wars Force
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Old 09-20-08, 07:15 AM   #5
King Solo
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I played my friends, and honestly I am glad I did. I was going to go out and buy it, but now I'm not so sure. The gameplay is indeed repetitive and choppy. There is a significant lack of flow to the way you fight and use the force.

There is no real balance between the two. You either run in hacking away with the same button mashing combos... or you run in and start throwing people one by one. There is no balance so that you can run in and have a fluid use of both, switching from one to the other.

The destruction of environments at times is somewhat limited and then at other times really over the top. Also, I think that the enemy AI at times is downright shocking. If the term fools rush in has any semblance of truth, then 90% of the enemies on Star Wars: The Force Unleashed are FOOLS!!

I would say I enjoyed the opening level on Kashyyk with Darth Vader. The highlight of that level was when the larger Wookies jump at you and you catch them in mid-air. Once you take control of The Apprentice though the game gets tedious and repetitive and loses its appeal.

Its one to buy and play through it when the price drops. Its not on that "great" level that makes you want it straightaway for a hardcore playthrough. Unless, of course you are a super nerdy Star Wars fan with collectible boxed figurines on your shelves and shit.. then you will probably flop out your dick and slap the ham to it a few times.

Overall, an average game.
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