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Old 09-24-08, 02:17 PM   #54
Blay'all's Avatar
Posts: 8,581
From: North Carolina

Originally Posted by SPuL
OR because they find no need to act the same on a fading away rap site. rofl @ you. How many times have I said all I do on this shit is to fuck around and piss people off. OBviously, by how serious you take it, it works. I mean, I thought you'd be used to people dissing you with the loser way you dress, the grill, the constant "lil Daddy's". I guess after awhile you get immune. But you just keep fighting b. Damn...

alright, so... lets observe your stupidity real quick.

your argument: "you shouldn't take things i say online so seriously, gosh!"

then, you constantly "diss" me for using the phrase "lil daddy" once on this website. hmm, you seem to have taken that statement pretty seriously haven't you? so, why don't i use your argument when you say stupid shit and claim that i have multiple personalities? BECAUSE I DON'T GIVE A FUCK. lol, it would be obvious to any non-RV nerd who the complete joke is here.

and, as far as the "loser way" that i dress, lol @ you dissing somebody for the way they dress. first of all, you haven't seen a picture of me in about 2 years, so how the fuck do you know how i dress? second of all, all i've ever seen you wear is t-shirts and hoodies with sports teams on them, which were cool to wear all the time in the 8th grade. mothafucka i'm ill, fuck with my miskeen/polo/jordan wardrobe. lol

and as far as the grill thing goes, lol @ you still having to use some 2-year old shit to diss me. yes, my boy and i each copped a $40 grill when EVERYBODY ELSE was and took some pictures laughing our asses off the whole time... i never wore it in public, it was more of a joke purchase for fun than anything. sorry it left you so butt-hurt that you're still thinking about it 2 years later. lol, get over it.
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