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Old 09-29-08, 07:23 PM   #1
Pushin it....
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Posts: 7,966
From: Round tha way
Bail Out, Any Idea's?


Any one get ne clue on what the fuck is going on anymore with the American dream?

I dont get it....

Republican's, who oppose to buying up private business's.....voted against the bill.

Yet, it was proposed by a Republican leader.

Democracts want the bill to be passed, yet...if the bill is passed, we will have to pay for it through higher taxes.

Obama, wants the bill to be passed

yet, who is going to pay for it? Us, middle class, already strugglin Americans.

I thought Obama was against putting more pressure on the middle class.

I'm def. confused, and a little pissed off.

This shit is scary though, seeing how alot of American's are now feeling as if all the hard work they did...buying into the American set of vaules, and living by them...but now feeling backstabbed by them. Due to the fact that our goverment is completely fucking up.

I worked my ass off for a company, and i bought into their values and belivied the company would help me out because i had done everything i could. In the end, i got completely fucked...i still work there 1 day a week for extra spending cash. But i could give a fuck if the company goes under. I hope that this experinece isn't the same feeling i'll have with America.

Anyone else got ne input?
Originally Posted by Lysol
But Eminem is the best.

Destroyin Tricks on the Daily

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