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Old 09-29-08, 10:30 PM   #1
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO
If this bail out doesn't get passed. .


. .I'm going to vote out every single motherfucker who's in Congress now. I'm not voting yes on any of these dumbfucks when they are up for reelection if this bailout doesn't happen.

Where the fuck is the leadership and courage in this country? Fuck Bush. Fuck Obama. Fuck McCain. Fuck everybody in Congress. Somebody needs to pick up their balls and do something.

This is the worst financial situation this country has been in since 1929 and nobody is doing anything to fix it. Most of these dumbfucks don't understand what's going on, so the big conclusion is just to do nothing? What the fuck is that shit?

The bailout NEEDS to be passed. The banks are scared, so they're taking no risks at all and lending no money. Right now the value of assets are decreasing, and deflation will shatter this economy.

If you don't support the bailout, then you don't understand the archeciture of capitalism and it's as simple as that. Fuck everybody who disagrees with this shit.
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