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Old 09-30-08, 03:10 PM   #7
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO

Maybe I should go study the Federal Reserve? HAHAHAHA, dog you haven't stepped foot into a college class in your fucking life. Sorry bro, nobody counts google and rapverse as education.

The Federal Reserve was created to prevent depressions, but that doesn't mean it will. The Aldrich-Vreeland Act was the first attempt to stop bank runs, and in my opinion, the most effective. However, for whatever reason, the government withdrew that Act and replaced it with the Federal Reserve. Just because it's there to prevent a depression doesn't mean that as long as it's there there will never be another depression. Are you fucking serious? Greenspan, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, has fucked up a lot, and so has the chairman of the SEC. It's not like the economy will stop itself from falling after people realize the Federal Reserve is there. Maybe if you weren't such a dumbfuck you'd go study what the Federal Reserve has done these past few years, and you'd realize they fucked up.

Seriously? "Dude, we can't go into a depression because we have the Federal Reserve!!" You've got to be fucking kidding me.

We may not, and hopefully don't, fall into a depression as a result of this financial crisis, but only the most incompetent fucking retard would say it's impossible because of the fucking Federal Reserve, like they're some God send to the economy.

Get the fuck out of here.
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