Thread: Bet Awards
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Old 10-26-08, 06:03 PM   #20
Posts: 6,909
From: Chicago, IL

Originally Posted by Adam
Sage Francis, Atmosphere, Brother Ali, Mac Lethal, Bliss N Eso, just to name a few.

/everybody is on Eminem's dick even though he's garbage.

I'm pretty sure brother ali is albino. He's black and has white skin.

And your comment pretty much highlights the point why some black/hispanic people have problems with white artists in hip hop. Because shit like this comes up and then people bring supremacist arguments to rap. I'm pretty sure there's some insecure black person out there who doesn't wanna admit he likes eminem because he knows some white dude out there is gonna say "AHA! THE BEST RAPPER IN THE WHOLE WORLD AND OF ALL TIME IS WHITE TAKE THAT NIGGERS LOL" even if its the only artist they're willing to listen to.

I'm pretty sure the BET awards have included more white artists than the oscars and and the grammys have included black artists. If it werent for the BET awards, a shitload of rappers would have never gotten any attention. BET was the main platform most of the early rappers had in getting their fame. Unless you'd have been fine with rap being confined to Yo! MTV raps forever.
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