Thread: FUCK Islam
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Old 11-11-08, 08:46 PM   #12
Blay'all's Avatar
Posts: 8,581
From: North Carolina

Originally Posted by JTR
loolll they used to kill anyone who wasn't christian back in the day, just cuz they weren't christian

loolll Hitler...


The Crusades...

The Witch Trials...

cheaa, Christians are waayyyy better and have committed way less injustices then any other religion right

yup, must be

wait, do i actually agree with you on something? lol

Nos and 2v, yall really need to understand that Christianity wants to be the only religion in the world as well. do you realize that the #1 reason republicans said they wouldn't vote for Obama after the primaries was b/c he is a Muslim? ...and he isn't even a Muslim. that shows how much Christians discriminate and think Christianity is the only religion that should exist. not to mention the Crusades, etc. the point is, that attitude is NOT limited to Islam.

and, 2v, you do realize that the Baptist church, as with every other denomination, is simply a deviation from the Catholic church right? and Catholics don't go through "preachers" to speak with God, they go through priests... big difference. and a lot of Catholics don't believe that you can't pray yourself... that is generalizing. a priest is simply seen as a spiritual guider. i'm not catholic, but every other denomination basically broke off from the Catholic church after the fact, and i don't like people criticizing the Catholic church... I have seen WAY more corruption in the Southern Baptist churches in my area than you could ever dream of seeing in a Catholic church.

2v, i don't know where you live, but i know Nos is in Australia... and my question is this: have you ever been to the "Bible belt" (the South) in the US? if you ever did, the thought that Christians don't want their faith to be the only faith would leave your mind... quickly.
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