Thread: FUCK Islam
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Old 11-11-08, 10:27 PM   #27
Posts: 2,653

Originally Posted by C.A.L.I
first off the war in iraq was christians attacking muslims for no reason.united nations actually has a cluase that they are not allowed to involved thierselves in religious conflicts.the problem in iraq was two muslims sects fighting one another.then we have afganistan which had a small faction of terrorist in A COUNTRY of millions.the u.s just bombed them.then we have sudan which is another religious war between muslims.u.s went thier also.why have they not attacked china?the chinese kill any child born over a familys quota of two.the u.s is a christian nation with ba christian army.then you have bosnia where millions of muslims were killed and the u.s did nothing.they let the serbians rape murder and oppress.want more proof?

Ok so lets break it down:

War in Iraq started why? "Weapons of Mass Destruction"...although I don't agree with that "war", is it because christians hate muslims? No...actually it JUST MIGHT BE that they assumed they had "weapons of mass destruction".

Ok next war

The war in Afghanistan. That one must have started because Chrsitians hate the Taliban. Oh no wait. I have a feeling it would fall under the same category as the war in Iraq.

Okay I think I got something with this Sudan war. No..when I think about it, for some reason I don't get the message that war has started because Christians hate Muslims.

So.....what countries are CHRISTIANS attacking?
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