Thread: FUCK Islam
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Old 11-12-08, 12:38 PM   #41
Posts: 2,653

Originally Posted by C.A.L.I
so the fact that they have satellite survalance,spies and a army that sacked the country means nothing?how about the fact that they've found no weopons of mass destruction in any of the countrys?how about the fact that they attacked 3 muslim countrys in a row?how about the fact that they broke united nation laws to do it?naw the american christian army aint attacking blind and deaf and cant see nothing.fucking idiot

How about the fact that it REALLY isn't Chrsitians attacking Muslims? How about the fact that its about America trying to be world police? How about that? Or how about the fact that you dug yourself a really deep hole so now you'll say anything to try to get out when in reality you just look even more ignorant? How about THAT?

And for you to say that it's Christians because it's America is even more ignorant. Hmm...that's why we have this freedom to belong to whatever religion we want, right? Because America says everyone in America has to be christian. Oh yeah..thanks for bringing that to light. Oh wait...isn't that why those sailors from Europe even came upon America in the first place? Oh right..they wanted freedom from the religion that was forced upon them.

Good job!
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