Thread: FUCK Islam
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Old 11-13-08, 09:06 PM   #68
Posts: 6,909
From: Chicago, IL

Originally Posted by 2v
it's not just that, it's many fucking things.

If you expect to change islam any more then helping women, especially to places with Shariah law, and other places governed by hardcore Sunnahs (Hardcore example would be Iran) then you will be asking them to throw their Religion away. They'll fucking kill you. You can't live in areas like that without worshiping Islam or you'll either be a second class citizen or killed. Or both, in a matter of a few years. Hell, if you're a political figure and you talk shit on Islam, you'll be put on a HITLIST. Does Christianity have Hitlists? I think so, in early 90's movies.

:| so explain to me how, without a Jesus or (mohammed) coming back from the heavens to teach them peace, they'll ever fucking change?

Hell, the peaceful sects of their Religion refer to Jesus as a wise prophet, but not the son of God. Religious Jews see Jesus as a wise man.

only Christianity believes Jesus is the son of God, as Jesus said he was, so you have three Religions holding hands calling Jesus wise and very holy, yet 2 of 3 calling him a liar.

That's a fucking issue to me lol

There are plenty of countries that laws don't go hand in hand with the "main" religion. If Christians lived their religion 100% then there would be no divorce, premarital sex...wearing more than 2 kinds of cloth, and several other things. Obviously you can't change the obvious wrongs of Islam at it's core, but the laws of these Muslim countries CAN be changed to be more moderate. Eventually after changing the laws to be more ethical, it'll probably lead to the decline of it's influence in the nation in general, just like with Christianity. Which I'm sure a lot of fundamental AND radical Muslims will take issue with, just like with Christians in America, but that's the only way I can see rationality come to those countries as far as human rights go. But like I said, that struggle in general isn't exclusive to Islam.

The reason why Christian nations aren't going bizzerk the same way muslim nations are isn't the religion itself, it's the conditions of the countries and the historic rivalries between the nations. Yeah the "jihad" thing is a huge red flag, but a big reason these people are going for it, isn't 100% caused by them thinking islam should be the only religion, but they think so just because they see problems with their country and America as "Christianity vs Muslims". So they think this is a religious war, rather than a war of nations. Another HUGE reason why church and state shouldn't get married.
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