Thread: FUCK Islam
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Old 11-14-08, 01:07 AM   #72
Posts: 2,653

Originally Posted by Indeph
1. It was obviously the first one.

2. We aren't a free nation because of Jesus. THAT's grade A bullshit. Jesus didn't say "thou shalt giveth freedom of thou press and right to beareth armseth". Our laws aren't based on Christianity either. Most of the laws that agree with Christianity are common sense laws. Don't kill people, don't steal. Our laws could be contributed to the bible if all the sins(or even 50% of them) were against the law, like adultery for example and worshiping other God's. Probably the biggest sin(worshiping other God's over..God) is one of the main advantages America has to other nations.

Some good points were made. But this one I have to disagree with because if you think about it, the laws that are "common sense" appear first in the Bible BEFORE the law was ever made for America. So a lot of the laws for our nation CAN be credited to Christianity. And at the same time some of them don't align with what God would have.

Originally Posted by 2v

No I'm gonna say we're a free nation because of Jesus.

And this I will agree with.
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