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Old 11-16-08, 12:01 PM   #1
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Posts: 33

If it's like that then I guess all men are whores too, Because at the very least women have to pay attention to their man. And that's at the least. I mean look at all the things women do to keep their man happy. You think we like doin laundry, n dishes, and cleanin up after you n your boys. Do you really think a man is gonna keep a chick around if she does nothin for him. I mean damn who takes care of you when you're sick your moms or your girl, n who takes care of us when we're sick we do. Times are changin quick there are just as many women workin to take care of their man as there are men takin care of their women. And with the economy the way it's been there's not to many couples who can even make it with out workin equal amounts. So in turn all men must be equally whores because we gots to pay somethin to have an intimate relationship with them even if its just the booty. We're payin somethin cause how many men gonna stick around to be with a chick if they aint givin it up to them. You cut a man off from sex they'll be movin on or thinkin your gettin it from someone else.
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