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Old 11-20-08, 01:51 AM   #12
Pushin it....
Cola's Avatar
Posts: 7,966
From: Round tha way


i remember one i cheated on my girlfreind (at the time) and i had hid it for a long ass time (like a year) but she had kept diggin it up...and tryign to fidn out..but i kept on hidding it. day, this dude who was my freidn at the time when i cheatd on my g/f. eventually wasn't my freind and spille dthe beans. We'll me and my grilfreidn worked at the same place. So she found out. day we are drivin home n me n my boy are in the car n so is my g/f. n its the day she had heard the rumor i had cheated. She's like, did you cheat!?!?! is it true? did you actually fuck that chick. N i looked in my reiw view miror. Cuz, she sits in the back. My friends sit in the front. lol. I was like, is it done? shes like.....what the fuck...than just looked down the whole rest of of the way. it was FUNNY as fuck.
Originally Posted by Lysol
But Eminem is the best.

Destroyin Tricks on the Daily

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