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Old 11-20-08, 06:43 PM   #8
Jack The Ripper
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Originally Posted by 2v
So in your belief, even though it's not true, Church invented government?

Just because the church is governed by laws, that doesn't mean it invented government. For example, China was without belief in a deity for a long time, yet they had entire structures of governments before deities existed in their culture. Today they are a string off of buddhism in their commercial belief system, but their government split from Emperors which were lead by the belief that China was the center of the earth and Heaven decreed their rulers which were a symbol of power.

But that's just my example.

If you want to know how American government came to be, that's a different story and example completely. The government has laws to abide by which prevent the destruction of government, America's government was based on the bible thus to prevent totalitarianism, it installed the ability for the citizens to break down the government Bit by Bit and restart from scratch.

The problem with modern America? They don't know or think they have this right, and if they keep not knowing or thinking it, they will lose the availability to do it. I think America will end before Americans change their government, truthfully.

But as of now, breaking laws comes with a punishment. Attacking people results in retaliation. Attacking the government results in retaliation via whichever method seems appropriate, including jailing to execution via court or execution via immediate action..

You're also wrong about the Lebanese and Israeli war. Israel isn't made up 100% of Judaism believer and consists a lot of Arabs too. It is a multi-Religious state and so is Lebanon, although I think Lebanon mostly consists of Islamic. I'm not sure, but what I do know is that Lebanon proceeded with military tactics to get what it wanted for its' government, and thus Israel was pissed and retaliated, resulting in a lot of bombing and killing.

That has absolutely nothing to do with Religion, except that Lebanon most likely considers Israel a wrongful state because the U.S. set up Israel as a state, and most Middle Eastern countries think they deserve the land of Israel. Though all of that is a Religious war in magnitude, it's between countries which have a fusion of church and state versus Israel, which is not a country that has a fused church and state.

Shit if Israel was a Church and State fused country, they wouldn't even exist. They don't believe in soldiers or any of that shit. They woulda never been able to FIGHT lebanon, God would fucking merk Israel for that kinda foul play.

Get your facts straight biatch.

WTF do you know bout the war of Israel and Lebanon? I have a Lebanese step dad and step brother, and a lebanese step mom, my dad is Jewish, I got lebanese step cousins. For fucking 5 years all i've ever heard bout discussed at the dinner table is the stupid fucking wars of Lebanon, Palestine and Israel

Dawg, if you say Religion doesn't have a single thing to do with it, you're fucking stupid. I can explain to you the entire history and causes behind the war, but I really don't feel like typing as much as you do.

And I didn't say Religion invented government, I said they had things to do with eachother, so all that shit you wrote to prove me wrong ended up being worthless cuz you made a worthless assumption as to what I was trying to say

Word to Baphomet though. I believe in God, not the image man gave god.
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