Thread: aye JTR
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Old 11-20-08, 09:55 PM   #10
Jack The Ripper
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Originally Posted by 2v
don't be butthurt homie

Christians don't have issues with Jews of Judaism OR Muslims of Islamism.

the only reason Christians have problems is because they support Israel and Muslims hate that their holy land isn't closed off to the public, so Christians are seen as the enemy. Lolz. So Muslims hate Judaism & Christianity from the stand point of governments, otherwise, everyone would be at peace.

And that's the reason that I personally hate Islam. If Islam didn't exist then the world would be at peace. Isn't the fucking hilarious? If you hate Religion for causing war, you're a dumbass because it's a single Religion and governments having to put up with that Religion's bullshit because governments consist of a population that the single certain Religion has issues with.

You think that the Christians in Lebanon support Israel? Wow man, you seriously know nothing. Fuck, go talk to some Israeli's and Lebanese one day, you fucking country hick. You really don't know shit do you?
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