Thread: Lifes Uncanny
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Old 11-21-08, 03:38 PM   #1
Whys That?
Posts: 2,007
Lifes Uncanny


Its like.. when you aint do shit but crime and fuck around, you seem to have less problems.

This year has been the hardest yea r of my life, (not complaining, it just makes me stronger)

I have never been one for education, but this year I enrolled in a diploma of audio engineering, aswell as working 2 jobs, just to try make somthing of my life and get focus.

So far this year, Ive had
beef with the hardest in my area, gun carrying, knife carrying, meth smoking maniac. Caught him by himself with no weapons on a few occasions and got fist fist with him, which intern caused more drama than it was worth. Got a huge rep for laying him out, but now theres a 'price' on me head blah blah blah.
Broke up with my girl of 4 years.
Brother was stabbed and killed,
one a my bro's was beaten to a inch of his life, wheel chaired and all that gay shit.
2 bro's hung themself
Girl I know got so strung out on crack she killed herself.
22 Thousand dollers debt.
Uncle tryna force me to prospect for Head Hunters (if you dont know who they are google 'Head Hunters NZ')
Got a girl pregnant, she miscarried
My dads headstone got smashed into peices.
Had my ribs broken in a fight, refused to rest up to let them heal so had to have surgery on them cause they were gonna puncture my lung.
Fuck load a bro's messed up on crack.
Home invaded a house I shouldnt of, had a small scrap and stole a few things, which lead to huge karma/heat/ Patches wanting to kill me.

hmmmmm, guess it aint all that bad. Just coming to the end a the year felt like reflecting on everything.

Lesson of 08, try make somthing of your life and the hurdles will become that much bigger.

Bring on owe fucking 9!!!!!!!!
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