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Old 11-23-08, 09:00 AM   #1
La Cosa Nostra
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From: Gaza Strip
making it in the music industry these days


do you think its even fucking worth it?

i mean here we got a scene of millions of cats with the same amount of talent that agents look at and go.............HMM.. who has the best and safest image for our investment.. ok cool, you can be down.............then they get ghost writers who they totally bullshit to boost cd making time.. put artists in debt.... music is online now a days so fuck trynna outsell your advance debt and get royalties unless you got some major backing, your independant or your in an extremily small percentage that has a cd buying market..

hip hop heads are broke man, i mean shit... how often do you go and buy cd's when you can just go lisen to the whole damn thing on youtube or download it off limewire? whats the fucking point?

hate to kill your dreams.. but what a fucking shit industry to get into.. its who you know and luck man NOT skill... the rules of the game have changed.. now a days the forumula resides upon rappers to make pathetic party music and the intergration of dance and rap.. we got mother fuckers selling records ONLY because they appeal to the cd buying market which if i am correct at the moment is teenage girls... thats why we dont hear anything good on the radio... because record companies will use a system called payola to drone out songs that appeal to teenage girls who buy singles and anyone who really likes music can go fuck themselves because we come second rate to........teenage girls....

its our own fault really.. back in the 80's and 90's we had a system where good music could be played on the radio because that shit was selling.. now what do we have? fucking same old idiots working to a formula..

FUCK these rappers man.. they dont KNOW how to rap... I could write 99.9% of all hip hop songs on the mainstream radio today in my fucken sleep.. which is what the ghost writers out there prolly do...

what a joke... and this is the beast that millions of people have antiquated dreams of becomming big time in... yeah fuck off.. your nothing special cause youve done a few shows.. sold a few mixtapes... got a few demos heard...

your not gonna make it... you gotta have fate on your side..

and were living in world where billions of people wake up every morning with their pathetic ideas on life. flip on the radio and hear the same old boring shitty songs day in and day out and we wonder why theres a lack of inspiration and decline in good music artists out there.. its because the good ones dont get heard, their too risky.. their too avongard.. their too FUCKING REAL..

rapping is a beautiful method of expression through poetry... but these days talent in rap is not expression through poetry... its yelling and wiling out for cats do get on drugs to in the clubs and stupid teenage girls to dance to in their rooms..

and you guys really wanna get into this industry?

"yeah give me your demo tape, ill call you tomorrow for sure"

how many times have you heard that before?
im at a point in my life right now where im thinking of getting back into music as a career.. but shit man, the industry is shit to me, im literaly thinking is it worth it?

what are your opinions....? cause i could talk for hours...

and yo this is a thread for rappers......not a thread for chatters who arnt trying to make it.... i apreciate that you dont want a peice of this industry, i sort of agree with you... but this is NOT your discussion... so give cats a bit of space to really talk and fuck off with your long winded statements about how smart you think you are for staying the fuck out of it...
RIP jono, peace out bboy.
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