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Old 11-27-08, 12:09 AM   #57
Posts: 3,123
From: Sindicate City, U.S.A.


Originally Posted by Got Soul? ©
*hates being ignored*

^^^you aren't being ignored cutty.

like it or not...c.a.l.i. IS FAM. just as you are bruh. FAM.

crhyme sin is a brotherhood. crhyme sin is a family. family is about trust, teamwork, strength and loyalty no matter what. you might not agree with what c.a.l.i. says. i understand that. shit, i don't even agree with what c.a.l.i. says most of the time. lol. but c.a.l.i. is c.a.l.i. regardless of what anyone thinks/knows...he has proven to me time after time that he is loyal to me...and to the team. yeah, he pops off often. people think that he needs more elevation, but so what. i agree, he's pure drama...and it's clear that he's hated by 99.999% of the site. and??? i am loyal to my family. each and every die hard member. dope or or white...right or wrong. give me your dedication...and i'll give you my heart (no homo) and a place to call home. there is nothing that i wouldn't do for any of you. EVER. when c.a.l.i. came back to "sin city", there was no other option but to welcome him with open arms. until he jeopardizes the integrity of the team...defies the general consensus of the fam or completely bails on me/us...i/we are obligated to stick together and ride. point blank period.

you may disagree with me...which i know you do, but it's okay. we can agree to disagree bruh. but, i cannot go against what i believe in. a lot of people have let me down and/or bailed on me. i will not punish or turn my back on those that actually stand with me.

stand with me again...and let's mash together (no homo x2).

the crew can function properly as multiple chapters/clique's/factions if need be...just as long as the overall objective is the same: CRHYME SINDICATE COMES FIRST!!!

we can only improve from within. so come home. help add more to the c.s. legacy brother. be proud of what we represent. embrace your riders. let's not have petty differences or ego clashes keep us from fulfilling our destiny as the trailblazers that we are or taint the royal bloodline that we possess.

boostin' the muthafuckin' crhyme rate...

...your brother s.v.
Originally Posted by Nick Fletcher.
I don't drive an Eclipse, they're chickmobiles.

QUESTION: Is it even possible to improve upon perfection???

"I remember this one time I thought I was wrong........but I was mistaken." -Unknown

R.I.P. Jonathan "ONE MAN BAND/TERUMOTO" Nigro. Goodbye brother. God bless the dead. One love.
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