Thread: black holes!
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Old 12-12-08, 12:10 PM   #24
Rastafari Walk Tall
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Posts: 4,527
From: East London, (Hackney)

the reason you will be in never-ending arguements is you both in my opinion miss the prudent point that religion is for lack of the cliche: 'faith'... someone who has to spend their days searching for factual evidence to a religion's merit will just frustrate themselves.. religion is essentially, belief in something in the absence of scientific fact... attempting to counter religious practice with science is somewhat asanine... to judge the merit of a religion , one must look to its own papers/documents/holy book etc and expose its own contradictions and failings...

Furthermore, it is estimated approximately 90% of the world's population believes/follows/recognises/feels that there is a higher being in whatever form their own perspective dictates. To call 90% of the world's population 'dumbasses' is a pedestal of arrogance and self - conviction, that truly baffles me. As for one, I know for a fact, that I am not a 'dumbass'

"His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, King of Kings of Ethiopia and Elect of God"


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