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Old 12-13-08, 10:08 PM   #8
Escaped Cannabalism Emcee
Cannabarz-K.O.R's Avatar
Posts: 163
From: Canada

I own this bitch, don't get it mistaking..

who's got the gwap? whos been studyin literature?
I crush any contestant through the italic font of my signature
a relentless ruler; pens gripped to take notice
shift shape with the abyss of your existence and make homage
To the gods who mistake Kronus as the God of the shit...
Relinquish the thought of it.. Protestant, what you see is a monument...
any giving logic can't explain my accomplishment
on the mortal world to comprehend what I say to acknowledge it
They just nod their heads before they can stand in astonishment..
Of what they just witnessed seconds before it has a grip on the audience
I promise this... though, my shit's so outrageous
I rip hoes, and flip the sick spit's like flows from a menstrual
condone the credentials of mine and find the zone of my pencils
alone ins-ync with the microphone that's againt you....I'M RUTH ...
less with the music I begin to abuse
the rhythm and use, it to mimic the minute it changes
to abbreviate the stance of it's primitive stages
and calculate the result of my growth using immigrant wages....
so once again I must ask... who owns this b!tch?
Cannabarz; the omen no co-ownerships...
ask anyone I've muscled in, whether ethics or hustling
I've crushed many competitors in every subject - a trusted win
bust a grin, grab ya slut - put my nut on her crusted chin
then dunked my balls in her hole like a alley-oop on a rusted rim
and that's how a goes - a nasty asshole with a talent
of re-configuring the strucutre of his self worth within balance
and if anyone thinks they're a challenge then step up...
but guess what? Cannabarz is more than the best of this text stuff...

..Trust me, the rumors were dont got a fucking chance. ..


..Jan 2007 Superior Cypher ..
..May 2007 Superior Cypher ..

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