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Old 12-25-08, 10:59 PM   #11
Jack The Ripper
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Lemme address the general public here, and teach you something you dont realise.

Fuck charity, I've never gave to charity once in my life, and I never, ever, will donate a single cent to charity. It's fucking bullshit, and I'll tell you why.

They came around in my class with a charity fund jar asking us for money. First of all, why the fuck are you going around asking fucking students for their money? Why aren't they asking owners of companies who go out and blow 5000$ on a single meal with some business men friends all the while yelling and causing a ruckus because they think they can disturb everyone elses dinner just cause they're big shots throwing money around? And they'll pay for your meal and tip large so no one complains.

Yea, they came around my class with that jar, and when they came to me and I told them don't ask me for donations, I don't believe in charity because charity is stupid and I made my own money, they criticised me and told me i'm a bad person and i'm selfish and I don't have a good heart. Yea, I'm a fucking bad person? But when we were forced to take a class trip to Africa to aid people in poverish, I was the only one there having the best time of my life. I was having a blast while motherfuckers cried, literally cried and complained about how they missed being home, complained about how they weren't going to get to see American Idle tonight, FUCK AMERICAN IDLE. Complaining about how it's too hot and not comfortable and boring and there's nothing to do, and the only reason they're here is because the school would have failed them if they didn't take this trip. Meanwhile i'm having the best time of my life helping starving, dieing people build their fucking piece of shit homes on the mud. And there was no other place i'd rather be. And my classmates they all hung out in their little group of friends talking and conversing amongst eachother. I was one of the only people actually talking to the locals. Those african kids man, they're so fucking beautiful, their smiles radiate and you can see a spark of joy glowing in their eyes if you look into them deep enough, they're so happy, they're always happy and always smiling. You can talk to them about the most simple things, things that are comodities to us, that we are so used to we take for granted and don't give a shit about, but to them it's the most exciting and amazing thing ever. And they'll never stop asking questions about it, and they'll always want to hear more and they get more excited and more interested after every question. They can talk about the same damn thing for hours, and you'll never get bored of talking to them about it. And suddenly you start to realise how amazing these commodities are, and how important to you they are, and suddenly you start to appreciate so much, and you notice something happen. You notice you start smiling too, all the time, just like them, you have a smile that never leaves your face. They teach you so much, so much about yourself, and they change your entire view and outlook on life. You can never be the same after that experience. They teach you so much about the world and about life and about yourself, things you would have never realised, they have so much knowledge to give us, and for some digusting reason, we think that we're smarter then they are, that we're more "educated" and that we're better off then them, and live better, and are happier, and that they are in need of our help, because they aren't living good and we are and we should try and help them to be more like us. Yea, more like us, America eh, the fucking american dream, easy street. The fucking place where celebrities like Owen Wilson get all the money they want, all the girls they want, and then they try and commit suicide because they're unhappy. The fucking place Brittany Spears gets depressed in and shaves off her own fucking hair. The place where Eddie Murphy and Jim Carey and Drew Carey and Robin Williams and every fucking celebrity acts happy infront of the camera but in their own homes need to pop anti-depresent pills just to be able to crack those fake ass smiles. Cuz none of us are happy and we all just act like we are, cuz none of us give a shit about what we have, we don't appreciate anything, and the only thing we care about is our luxuries, that new mercedes, that big house, etc etc. We get bored if we have no xbox to play or tv to watch. You know why we're not happy? Cuz we spend our whole life worrying about that shit, trying to get it, thinking it's gonna make us happy, it's gonna make us all better, and the reason we aren't happy right now is because we don't have that. And when we finally do get it, and get used to it, suddenly we realise it doesn't make us that happy, we don't care that much about it because we want more now, because what we have isn't good enough and doesn't make us happy. We always want more.

Yea, we left back home, and I felt sad... really sad. Sad to leave my friends behind, sad to leave that place, sad that I had to leave these beautiful, intelligent, amazing people, and come back to this piece of shit place we live, sad I had to come back to my tv and my xbox and my fucking mcdonalds fast food and my stupid celebrities I look up to because they have it all. And the rest of these fucking people, they were the happiest mother fuckers to go back home, and to leave that "shit hole", where the people were so "unlucky" and they were happy not to be them. Ahahaha.. if only they knew.

You see? You motherfuckers don't give to charity because you care about dieing kids, you give to charity because you want to be able to tell yourself "I donated money, i'm a good person." It's all for your ego and your own fucking image that you've painted of yourself. That's why all you motherfuckers talk about how it's so bad over there, and how it's horrible, and how people should give to charity and if they don't they're an asshole and they're a dick and they're selfish and they don't care. YOU DONT CARE. SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GO DO SOMETHING. All you do is talk and convince yourself that you care, but you don't want to be there, you're happy being right where you are. You don't want to go there and see it with your own eyes and experience it and do something about it yourself, you want to give your money away to some orginisation that says they'll do something good with it while you sit on your ass and drink your fucking starbucks coffee and think you're a good person and you're doing something. You're a fucking piece of shit, not a good person. And you're fake.

Why don't I want to give money to charity? Because, they're happier then we are the way they are. They're better then us because of the way they are. I wouldn't want to change that, I wouldn't want to take all the money in the world and give them big homes and fancy cars, because they're pure, they're real, and they're not like us, and that's what makes them so beautiful. They're better off just how they are, and anyones who wants to change that is jaded, ignorant, and thinks that they are happy. I pray I could be like these people, and I pray they never, ever, become like us.
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