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Old 12-25-08, 11:12 PM   #12
Jack The Ripper
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Posts: 11,759

ahaha like you'd all seem surprised if I told you a survey was conducted in every country of the world, where tens of thousands of people were asked to honetly state how happy they are and the people that they know are etc etc. and USA came ranked damn near the hundreds while Columbia was third.

WHAT!? Columbia was third? And we were something like 180!? That's impossible! People get shot just for walking down the street in Columbia! You're lieing JTR!

Haha, kinda makes you feel like a piece of shit now doesn't it? Do yourself a favor, go help one day, stop talking and do something, and finally make yourself happy. I guarantee you'll come back a changed person, and you'll never feel the pain you have now anymore.

If you disagree then you're a lost soul.

God bless
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