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Old 01-14-09, 09:06 PM   #7
Pushin it....
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Posts: 7,966
From: Round tha way

Originally Posted by SPuL
LOL yea, because being optimistic about a team is something that's soo unacceptable, right? lmao idiot

I worked at Target to make money on the side during HIGH SCHOOL. You work at coke for a LIVING. You see the difference there yet? Right now I do internet marketing and work for Macy's Corporate Division WHILE still going to college. You still work at coke for a LIVING. See the difference yet?

And high and mighty? Dude, in the last two posts you go off about me suggesting that Oklahoma "is sooo great and Florida is nothing" and that I'm so "high and mighty" but where? I mean, shit I already know you like to suck my dick. (One luth, Bale crew, all those annoying IMs, IAR, etc) But imagining me saying things? That's getting a little too creepy dude.

And again, LOL @ you missing the point, and my explanation for it. You truly are an idiot my friend. Lord knows how your family puts up with you.

Oh, and if you're gonna diss Oklahoma with that false moniker at least get it right. Oklachokeoma? rofl...



your right spul, you do own the world

cuz your dad pays for it

atleast everything i have, i've worked for

and hey dumb fuck, i'm going back to college, to continue to promote in a company that isn't FAILING horribly

but, hey go Macys!! they must be doing well...what was it, they closed down 9 stores just last month?

man, i wish i could hop on board that ship

keep on doing what you do
Originally Posted by Lysol
But Eminem is the best.

Destroyin Tricks on the Daily

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